Our team
every expertise in our team is there for you

ZA Dr. Stefan Ahrens
Practice founder, dental conservation
1997 License to practice as a dentist 1998 to 2005 Assistant dentist in Germany and England 2005 Promotion 2005 Practice in private practice 2007 Curriculum Periodontology 2017 New practice founded

ZÄ Dr. Annett Boeckler
Aesthetic dentistry

SR Anett Kaden
Practice management

ZMF Franziska Schepputt
Billing, administration, assistance

ZMF Steffi Weniger
Dental specialist and prophylaxis assistant

ZMP Petra Hallaschek
Specialist nurse for dental and oral hygiene
1982 Qualification as "Stomatologic Assistant" at the Medical College in Halle/S. 1989 Qualification as "Specialist Nurse for ZMH" at the Medical College in Halle/S. 1995 Qualification as Prophylaxis Assistant at the Stuttgart Dental Training Center Since 1989 Prophylaxis activities in various practices Since 1999 Collaboration with Dr. Stefan Ahrens Prophylaxis, material management

ZFA Jana Münchgesang
Assistance, administration
1999-2002 Training as a dental assistant in Halle since then working in various practices since 2005 with Dr. Ahrens Treatment assistance, QM, hygiene, training

ZFA Linda Heppner
Assistance, administration

Alexander Dittrich

This could be you
Trainee / Assistant / Doctor